EXHIBITION - The History of Touch by Mischa Badasyan
The History of Touch
03.12.2020 - 13.12.2020
of the art project room TANKE
photography: Abdulsalam Ajaj
Grund der anhaltenden Pandemie wurde diese Ausstellung in den
Schaufenstern des projektraumes TANKE e.V. in der Südstadt
präsentiert und zur gleichen Zeit im öffentlichen Stadtraum mit einer Guerilla-Taktik temporär an verschiedenen Orten in Hannover.
Das Studio: Ilka Theurich - project space möchte nun mit einer sehr intimen Fotoreihe des Berliner Künstlers Mischa Badasyan im Öffentlichen Stadtraum auf diese Reflexion aufmerksam machen. Hier berührt nicht die Live Performance, sondern die Fotografie eines Live-Momentum, das wiederum als Druck im öffentlichen Stadtraum ausgestellt werden soll.
What does touch mean in times of a
pandemic? Loneliness and depressive episodes are currently a
recurring feeling even for the most optimistic people. How do we deal
with it, what are we missing, what positive impulses can we bring to
the current spatial distance?
"To understand something,
you have to touch it."
Mischa Badasyan came across this
sentence after he himself felt a great need for tactical contact and
contact with the people around him. For him, touch is the most
important tool for getting to know people. "I can only make
friends with someone if I can touch them."
For Badasyan,
body contact is the best evidence that we exist and touch is the key
tool of knowledge. "The History of Touch" works with
instinct in public urban space and uses artistic work as a form of
communication to touch society socially, which can also expand and
transform into a political discourse in the further course.
basic idea of the project "The History of Touch"
should offer a space for reflection, which enables us to look at our
immediate surroundings in the here and now. Assuming at the time that
all processes tend to accelerate in everyday life so that we save
money and time, this project should seek to slow down and trace the
touch. Now we have experienced a massive deceleration by Covid 19 in
everyday life, but suddenly we have to largely do without touch. Even
good friends are no longer hugged.
How can strangers become
friends in this situation? What if there is always a fear of Covid19
in every contact? This fear reminds me of the early 80s. When you
ignorantly asked yourself whether you could drink from the same glass
from someone infected with HIV? At Covid, accidentally touching
strangers on the subway or in the bus is too much for us - if you
still use public transport. Often the first reaction is rejection,
alienation and the desire to withdraw.
The Studio: Ilka Theurich - project space would like to draw your attention to this reflection with a very intimate series of photos by the Berlin based artist Mischa Badasyan in public urban space.
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